Wednesday, January 4, 2012

New Years Resolutions

Happy 2012!

Happy New Year, Max (right) and Dex (left)

My little family

Every year, like the rest of the world, I make a resolution. Something ridiculous and unreal, and then I feel like a failure when two weeks in I have already not succeeded. So this year I have one New Years Project, a few New Years Guidelines, and no resolutions.

My project is a sky blanket. The idea is that I got a bunch of different shades of blue and grey yarn, and I am crocheting a blanket. I have tried to make a blanket before, and I did it, but it was just a small lap blanket. My hand would cramp up and I would get frustrated and it just felt like it was something I would never finish.

Each day, I crochet one line. That's it. Not more, not less. And I use a shade of yarn that matches the sky for that day!
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I have found more yarn that I am using too!

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I am doing the whole thing double crochet - here is day 1!

So far (granted, only four days in!), I really love this project. There is no overwhelming feeling, because I know I won't be done for 366... days (leap year!) And I look forward to the evenings, when I get to sit for a while, let my mind wander, and recharge and refuel. And I find myself looking outside a lot, deciding which shade of yarn best represents the sky that day. thinking about the day, I love the little reflection time I get.

My New Years Guidelines are just that I am trying to be overall better. Better about money, about my health (what would a New Year Non-Resolution be if I didn't mention that?!), and a better wife, mother, student, and homemaker. But, as my friend Justin pointed out, isn't that what we strive for each day? Or at least, what we SHOULD strive for each day? My mom always taught us that when we leave a place, it should be in better condition than when we arrived. So if we went on a walk for example, and saw a piece of litter, my brother and I wouldn't hesitate to pick it up and carry it with us until we found a garbage. I would like to think that by the time I leave this planet I will have made it a little better, somehow. So in the meantime, I am going to work on being a better me, being happy with what I have, and learning to just appreciate. BUT that's a whole post for another day..

In other unrelated news, Dan is on vacation for a week. Since he is on vacation, he decided to shave off his beard, for fun.

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We went with the chinstrap look to start

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Mutton Chops on the other side, of course!

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Goatee...I liked it, he didn't

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And my favorite, a hipster goatee with a little help from an eyebrow pencil!

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The final result. Then he remembered he didn't like being it's growing back in now.

To wrap things up, silly baby pictures!
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Uploaded from the Photobucket iPhone App

NEXT BLOG POST: I love my job!

Thursday, December 29, 2011

A year in review...

Hey friends! Been a while, huh? I'm excited to have found an easy way to post pictures here, and there is now a decent Blogger App, so I'm hoping to do this a little more.. NOW! Lets do a yearly wrap up!

- Was admitted to the hospital 3 times
- Went to Urgent Care 2 times
- Got my first stitches
- Got a total of 2 hep traps, 1 IV, and 1 blown vein
- Had scary high blood pressure (180/120 anyone?)
- Had an amazing pain free and natural delivery of my twins
- Had the worst month of my life when they ended up back in the hospital with RSV
- Battled thrush, mastitis, and dehydration
- Battled PPD/PPA
- Saw two different therapists
- Dan got a tattoo!
- I pierced my nose!
- Got my wisdom teeth pulled
- Reconnected with old friends
- Went back to school
- Found a job I LOVE
- Moved in with my mom, briefly
- Moved into a new home
- Became a landlord
- Evicted a tenant

..and those are just the highlights of was mostly good, I can't wait to see what 2012 brings, hopefully a little less eventful!

Now, a year in photos :)

Admitted to the hospital on NYEve in preterm labor.

Strict bedrest means I am allowed to get up to pee, so Dan and I move into my moms so she could take care of me!

High blood pressure puts me in the hospital again

Dan and his family packed up our house to move!

Maxwell Eian - born at 2:11am on 2/16/11 - 4#13

Dexter Eoin - born at 2:16am on 2/16/11 - 4#10


Worst month of my life

First Mother's Day

First Halloween

First Thanksgiving

First Christmas

We lost an amazing man - my uncle - to his battle against cancer, and inherited his minivan...something we really needed!

My tatooed man!

Much love to all, and I hope to write more this year!

NEXT BLOG POST: New Years Resolutions