Thursday, December 29, 2011

A year in review...

Hey friends! Been a while, huh? I'm excited to have found an easy way to post pictures here, and there is now a decent Blogger App, so I'm hoping to do this a little more.. NOW! Lets do a yearly wrap up!

- Was admitted to the hospital 3 times
- Went to Urgent Care 2 times
- Got my first stitches
- Got a total of 2 hep traps, 1 IV, and 1 blown vein
- Had scary high blood pressure (180/120 anyone?)
- Had an amazing pain free and natural delivery of my twins
- Had the worst month of my life when they ended up back in the hospital with RSV
- Battled thrush, mastitis, and dehydration
- Battled PPD/PPA
- Saw two different therapists
- Dan got a tattoo!
- I pierced my nose!
- Got my wisdom teeth pulled
- Reconnected with old friends
- Went back to school
- Found a job I LOVE
- Moved in with my mom, briefly
- Moved into a new home
- Became a landlord
- Evicted a tenant

..and those are just the highlights of was mostly good, I can't wait to see what 2012 brings, hopefully a little less eventful!

Now, a year in photos :)

Admitted to the hospital on NYEve in preterm labor.

Strict bedrest means I am allowed to get up to pee, so Dan and I move into my moms so she could take care of me!

High blood pressure puts me in the hospital again

Dan and his family packed up our house to move!

Maxwell Eian - born at 2:11am on 2/16/11 - 4#13

Dexter Eoin - born at 2:16am on 2/16/11 - 4#10


Worst month of my life

First Mother's Day

First Halloween

First Thanksgiving

First Christmas

We lost an amazing man - my uncle - to his battle against cancer, and inherited his minivan...something we really needed!

My tatooed man!

Much love to all, and I hope to write more this year!

NEXT BLOG POST: New Years Resolutions

Monday, May 30, 2011

Catch up

Sorry it’s been so long! We had a little snafu with our internet service (aka Verizon was constantly giving us problems so we switched over to Time Warner…ahhhh) and we are back in the internet world again! So what have you missed? Lets see…the boys are almost 15 weeks old, they love tummy time, their boppy, and their new bumbo I just acquired at a garage sale. Speaking of which I would just like to say how much I love garage sale season! We have two excersaucers ready to go as soon as they can control their heads a little more, two toy rockers, a second smaller pack n’ play for moving around, and that’s just a few of the things I have gotten these past few weekends.

The boys are smiling and ‘talking’ to us all the time now too, which I fully admit makes this whole exhausted mama thing just a little easier! We have gotten ourselves into a good baby let routine of sleep, nurse, play, sleep, nurse, play, etc. It doesn’t always end up that way, but everyone seems happiest when it does. I borrowed a copy of “The Happiest Baby on the Block” and put Dr. Karp’s 5Ss into action (swaddling, shushing, side/stomach, swaying, and sucking) and WOW what a difference. I might not be the best mother on the block, but I feel like I can manage now. We have mostly good nights and just a handful of bad ones. Each baby has slept entirely through the night once, which is amazing. Now if they could master the sleeping through the night thing at the same time…

Dan is still actively doing Couch to 5K and he is doing great. He redoes runs every now and again if he feels he didn’t do them well enough, but he is still on track for the 4th of July day race. He’s losing weight, gaining muscle, and getting all around healthier. I am so incredibly proud of him, especially since I couldn’t keep up with the C25K. He is also such a great dad, it makes my heart swell when I see him cuddling with his boys. This weekend he gave me so much free time to myself it was amazing. I got a haircut, did some shopping, relaxed, and enjoyed knowing that I can still be more than just mommy (don’t get me wrong, I LOVE being mommy, but it’s literally a job without a day off and that gets exhausting).

And in this mama’s world there are three big current obsessions. The first is cloth diapering. Yes, that’s right, you heard it here! We are becoming a cloth diapering family! Initially it didn’t seem to make sense for us to do it with two babies - - it would just make so much laundry! But then taking into consideration that the boys really only seem to poop once a week, it didn’t seem as bad. But then 7th Generation changed their diapers and I don’t like them anymore. I spent a lot of time trying to find an eco friendly option for diapering and it just came back to cloth over and over. So here we are, waiting to get our cd’s in the mail! We are doing a cd trial through Jillian’s Drawers where you can try out a whole bunch of different kinds for a few weeks, then you return them. We’re really excited, I can’t wait to see what my favorite will be. I have a guess…but we’ll see.

The next obsession of this mama is babywearing!! It’s so easy to do and the boys – especially Max – really love it. I currently only have confidence wearing them a few ways, but I simply can’t wait until they are a touch older and I can try carrying one on my back, and one on my front. I’m on a forum for babywearing on BBC and oh my goodness I could spend hours and even more money on different wraps and carriers!

My final obsession is my new Etsy site, which I’m not actually going to talk about now. The store is ready to go, but I have nothing in it yet…look for that in a coming post! (Is that like a cliffhanger ending?)

Can’t wait to get back into the blogging habit! Leave me a comment, ask me a question, whatever you want!!! Hugs and love to all, go enjoy some sun!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I have this problem with blogging. I always do it, I always have done it...and let's try to address it here and now.

I have so much to say. Things I want to talk about, pictures I want to share, and questions I want to ask. But then I start writing, and it just doesn't sound right. So I get annoyed, hit CTRL-A, and delete. I tell myself I will start over, but I never do. I suppose the point of me writing is in large part the catharsis it gives me (I just love that word - catharsis - and I use it anytime I can!!) and I get that even if I don't post the blogs I write, but then I loose out on feedback.

The problem I have with blogging is much like the problem I have with my life - there is just SO MUCH I want to do, and just not enough to time to do it in! I want to be a great mom, I want to get better at my photography, I want to go to cosmetology school, I want to crochet a blanket, I want to make baby hats to donate, I want to catch up on laundry, I want to (re)learn French, I want to organize my bedroom, I want to read some of the books I have piling up, I want to volunteer at the zoo, I want to practice decorating...and thats all things I've thought of since 9am that I want to do! When I don't have time to do it all I get frustrated and I tend to shut down a little - if I can't do it ALL I won't do ANY of it (yeah, that makes sense!)

But I'm trying to get better...trying to not be so procrastinatory (I don't care that I made up that word, go with it). Yesterday I rearranged the living room and kitchen, cleaned both, went through the boys clothes - all things I had been meaning to get to. It feels so GOOD to walk into a clean living room. I really like it! To the point that I WANT to keep up on it..this morning I got up while Dan was showering, made him breakfast, and go the dishes done - all while Max slept, Dexter watched - and before Dan even left for work! Now if I do nothing else today, at least that's done! And with how I'm feeling, it's a possibility - I managed to get a cold AGAIN!

On the thrush side of things...well thats a drama in and of itself...long story short I ended up in Urgent Care thinking I had mastitis, getting IV fluids for severe dehydration (I'm getting to be a pro at this IV thing - ugh!) going to the doctor the next day, getting bloodwork...ugh. Basically I had/have thrush really bad - but I took Dyflucan and am using a cream that seems to be helping, so thats good!

Now in honor of not being so procrastinatory (I told you to go with it!) I'm off to get something done!

Later Days,

Sunday, April 17, 2011

Sunday Stats

Quick Sunday Stat's post in case I don't get a moment to write later!

8 Week Old Stats:
This week Max and Dexter both started smiling and cooing - and even a few laughs!

Max: 8#5
Dex: 8#6
Mama: down 3# = 17# to goal weight, 7# to prepregnancy weight
Daddy: no change = 33# to goal weight

Sunday, April 10, 2011

Sunday Stats

Forgot to post my Sunday Stats! Here goes:

7 Week Old Stats:

Max: 7#10 (6#9oz last week)
Dex: 7#15 (6#14oz lat week)
Mama: up 1# = 20# to goal weight, 10# to prepregnancy weight (started at 19# to goal weight (9# to prepregnancy)
Daddy: down 5# = 33# to goal weight (started at 38# to goal weight)

Little bit of this...little bit of that...

Sunday April 10,2011

I'm apparently a pretty terrible daily blogger. But I don't want to post just because I should so I am going to be focusing on blogging quality not quantity.

Since starting the acidophilus I can't tell if the thrush seems to be getting better or not. The boys do seem a little happier to me, but my pain is still as bad as ever. We have a doctor appointment at the end of the month, I figure I will bring it up then if need be.

It seems to me the boys sleep their best on Friday and Saturday nights, and I have a thought as to why. From what I understand, babies pick up on stress very easily. Perhaps on weeknights Dan gets stressed about not being able to get sleep, and they feel that, so they are up wanting lots of attention. On Friday and Saturday night however, we just don't care since we could sleep in all day...I just wish I knew how we could translate that into weekdays!

Dan and I are starting a new 'diet'...trying to keep things as preservative free as possible. Basically if we don't know what an ingredient is, we aren't eating it. I'm feeling like little suzy homemaker over here (not a bad thing!) as I am cooking things from scratch. This morning I made homemade granola (so easy - so good!!) and homemade bruschetta. Last night I even made homemade meatballs for the first time! YUM! We had them over wilted spinach in Chiavettas with a little pasta sauce :

We are slowly trying to transition out of the Soothie pacifiers and into the Nuk brand, as I understand they are better for the boys mouths and far it's going well. Max switched like a champ, and Dex doesn't mind so long as he's not all worked up. They actually seem happier with the ones that are made for 6+ months, because of the bigger size. Maybe sooner or later I can transition them out of pacifiers and on to just self soothing!

That's all for now - We are trying to take the boys out to a real restaurant tonight -look out in the coming days for how it went!

Later Days!

Thursday, April 7, 2011


Thursday April 7, 2011

Sorry for the lack of posting yesterday, and what will be a short post today. We are still having some rough times with the boys, so I am sleeping anytime I can!

We had our final appointment with Eileen, my midwife, today. The boys are looking great - and we may just have an answer to all the crankiness lately - THRUSH.

It looks like I/we may have thrush. Since it appears to just be a mild case, I am taking some otc acidophilus. More to come later, I really hope this works!!

Later Days,

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Baby Juggling

Tuesday April 5, 2011

Some mornings I wake up and I just know it’s going to be a good day. The sun will be shining, the birds will be chirping, everything will be good.

Today was not one such day. In fact, today was one of those days when you wake up and kinda sigh and think to yourself, “there go all my plans!” You see, I woke up while Dan was getting ready for work to Max crying. I changed his diaper and before I could even start nursing him, Dexter was crying too. I figured that although it was only a little after six in the morning, the best option would be to nurse them at the same time downstairs, and after they had fallen back asleep I would also doze.

They had other plans for me. My entire day consisted of what I call “Baby Juggling”. One baby cries so you do what you have to in order to calm him – nurse him, change him, rock him, etc. Just as he is settling, the other baby begins to cry. So you set down the first baby and you do what you have to in order to calm the second. As he is calming down the first starts crying again. And thus is BabyJuggling. Sometimes they give you a brief quiet moment. Sometimes they stress you out by both crying at once (how fun!) but mostly it’s the back and forth game.

So I got a drink and settled into the rocker chair and accepted that the dishes would remain undone, and the laundry would stay in piles. Instead today was all about comforting my sons. The frustrating part of today was that there was nothing I could do to calm the boys down. I tried everything in my limited book of knowledge – diapers, rocking them, showing them interesting black and white patterns (this is a new one, and usually works!) bouncing them, Gripe Water, gas drops, even nursing them wouldn’t calm them down. The only thing I could figure out is that maybe they had headaches. I had one and I spoke to Dan and my mom, and they both also had headaches. The weather has been doing some crazy things around here lately and it wouldn’t surprise me if it was causing havoc to them as well.

So today was just one of those days. Luckily my MIL came over and watched them so I could sneak a little nap in, and when Dan came home we went for a ride and they settled quite well. They are actually snuggled up in their rockers now asleep! All I can hope for is a good day tomorrow.

Later Days,


Monday, April 4, 2011

Couch to 5K

Monday April 4, 2011

I hate exercise. I hate all of it. I hate stretching, and I hate warming up. I hate running. I hate cooling down. I hate feeling sweaty. I would rather do just about anything else.

That being said, Dan and I started the Couch to 5K program today (Check it out here: I grumbled my entire way through 30 minutes of exercise. Sixty seconds of jogging, ninety seconds of walking to start. But ya know what? I did it. My calves hurt. I am tired. But also…I feel…good. And proud of myself. I want to get in shape, for what could perhaps be the first time in my life. I want to feel good about myself and I want to be able to run after the boys when they get older and not get winded. So I’m trying. With the program I should be able to run a 5K in nine weeks. That’s June, and my goal is to run in the local Independence Day Run which is about 2 miles.

Go me. I'm even smiling like I'm enjoying myself. Or maybe I'm just enjoying my music (Glee). With any luck I will be enjoying myself by the end of this!!

I was inspired by another twin mom, whose blog I read. Check her out and send some good thoughts her way ( Her little girl was born a week after my boys and she still isn’t home from the hospital. No mama should have to go through that, and my heart aches for her.

Later Days,


Sunday, April 3, 2011

Sunday Stats

Sunday April 3, 2011

I created this blog over a month ago to chronicle my time as a first time mom – of twins! So much has happened in that short month that I haven’t gotten a real chance to write an entry until now!!

A brief recap – my Max and Dexter were born on February 16 (at just 36weeks4days!!) and spent just the regular three days in the hospital with me. We all came home together and tried our best to settle into a routine in our new home. At about 8 days old Max and I both developed a cold – how frustrating! I thought nothing of it, until 5 days later Max really seemed to be getting worse rather than better. I called asked one of my best friends to come over to look at him (he is in medical school now – he is going to be a doctor in a year!!) and he agreed that we should really get him looked at. It was after hours on a Thursday night, and after speaking to his pediatrician’s office we dressed him up and headed to the ER with him.

I’m not going to write all the details of what happened there – perhaps I will someday – but it breaks my heart even thinking about it. Basically it turned out Max had RSV – he ended up in the PICU with a central line, breathing tube, feeding tube, gas tube and he was sedated and medically paralyzed. His brother was brought in to be checked the following day since RSV is so highly contagious, but luckily they caught it early in Dexter. He was also admitted to hospital for monitoring, and for a few days was just on a breathe by O2 tube, and eventually got a nasal cannula. After 8 days in the PICU Max was moved to the same room as Dexter and together they spent 5 more days in the hospital.

I really can’t even think about that time at the hospital without wanting to cry. The first night was one of the worst – and all the nurses and doctors were just so so so nice to us – I will never forget that. It felt like we were in an episode of ER, I kept waiting for Noah Wyle to come rushing over at any moment.

Anyway – this is why I haven’t blogged yet – but I am hoping to start blogging a little each day! I plan to have a Statistical Sunday (see below) and I hope to do Write-Up Wednesdays where I review a product I tried for the boys.

Later Days,


6 Week Old Stats:

This week the boys started tracking movement with their heads

Max: 6#9 (4#13 at birth)
Dex: 6#14 (4#10 at birth)
Mama: 19# to goal weight (9# to prepregnancy)
Daddy: 38# to goal weight