Monday, May 30, 2011

Catch up

Sorry it’s been so long! We had a little snafu with our internet service (aka Verizon was constantly giving us problems so we switched over to Time Warner…ahhhh) and we are back in the internet world again! So what have you missed? Lets see…the boys are almost 15 weeks old, they love tummy time, their boppy, and their new bumbo I just acquired at a garage sale. Speaking of which I would just like to say how much I love garage sale season! We have two excersaucers ready to go as soon as they can control their heads a little more, two toy rockers, a second smaller pack n’ play for moving around, and that’s just a few of the things I have gotten these past few weekends.

The boys are smiling and ‘talking’ to us all the time now too, which I fully admit makes this whole exhausted mama thing just a little easier! We have gotten ourselves into a good baby let routine of sleep, nurse, play, sleep, nurse, play, etc. It doesn’t always end up that way, but everyone seems happiest when it does. I borrowed a copy of “The Happiest Baby on the Block” and put Dr. Karp’s 5Ss into action (swaddling, shushing, side/stomach, swaying, and sucking) and WOW what a difference. I might not be the best mother on the block, but I feel like I can manage now. We have mostly good nights and just a handful of bad ones. Each baby has slept entirely through the night once, which is amazing. Now if they could master the sleeping through the night thing at the same time…

Dan is still actively doing Couch to 5K and he is doing great. He redoes runs every now and again if he feels he didn’t do them well enough, but he is still on track for the 4th of July day race. He’s losing weight, gaining muscle, and getting all around healthier. I am so incredibly proud of him, especially since I couldn’t keep up with the C25K. He is also such a great dad, it makes my heart swell when I see him cuddling with his boys. This weekend he gave me so much free time to myself it was amazing. I got a haircut, did some shopping, relaxed, and enjoyed knowing that I can still be more than just mommy (don’t get me wrong, I LOVE being mommy, but it’s literally a job without a day off and that gets exhausting).

And in this mama’s world there are three big current obsessions. The first is cloth diapering. Yes, that’s right, you heard it here! We are becoming a cloth diapering family! Initially it didn’t seem to make sense for us to do it with two babies - - it would just make so much laundry! But then taking into consideration that the boys really only seem to poop once a week, it didn’t seem as bad. But then 7th Generation changed their diapers and I don’t like them anymore. I spent a lot of time trying to find an eco friendly option for diapering and it just came back to cloth over and over. So here we are, waiting to get our cd’s in the mail! We are doing a cd trial through Jillian’s Drawers where you can try out a whole bunch of different kinds for a few weeks, then you return them. We’re really excited, I can’t wait to see what my favorite will be. I have a guess…but we’ll see.

The next obsession of this mama is babywearing!! It’s so easy to do and the boys – especially Max – really love it. I currently only have confidence wearing them a few ways, but I simply can’t wait until they are a touch older and I can try carrying one on my back, and one on my front. I’m on a forum for babywearing on BBC and oh my goodness I could spend hours and even more money on different wraps and carriers!

My final obsession is my new Etsy site, which I’m not actually going to talk about now. The store is ready to go, but I have nothing in it yet…look for that in a coming post! (Is that like a cliffhanger ending?)

Can’t wait to get back into the blogging habit! Leave me a comment, ask me a question, whatever you want!!! Hugs and love to all, go enjoy some sun!

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