Wednesday, April 20, 2011


I have this problem with blogging. I always do it, I always have done it...and let's try to address it here and now.

I have so much to say. Things I want to talk about, pictures I want to share, and questions I want to ask. But then I start writing, and it just doesn't sound right. So I get annoyed, hit CTRL-A, and delete. I tell myself I will start over, but I never do. I suppose the point of me writing is in large part the catharsis it gives me (I just love that word - catharsis - and I use it anytime I can!!) and I get that even if I don't post the blogs I write, but then I loose out on feedback.

The problem I have with blogging is much like the problem I have with my life - there is just SO MUCH I want to do, and just not enough to time to do it in! I want to be a great mom, I want to get better at my photography, I want to go to cosmetology school, I want to crochet a blanket, I want to make baby hats to donate, I want to catch up on laundry, I want to (re)learn French, I want to organize my bedroom, I want to read some of the books I have piling up, I want to volunteer at the zoo, I want to practice decorating...and thats all things I've thought of since 9am that I want to do! When I don't have time to do it all I get frustrated and I tend to shut down a little - if I can't do it ALL I won't do ANY of it (yeah, that makes sense!)

But I'm trying to get better...trying to not be so procrastinatory (I don't care that I made up that word, go with it). Yesterday I rearranged the living room and kitchen, cleaned both, went through the boys clothes - all things I had been meaning to get to. It feels so GOOD to walk into a clean living room. I really like it! To the point that I WANT to keep up on it..this morning I got up while Dan was showering, made him breakfast, and go the dishes done - all while Max slept, Dexter watched - and before Dan even left for work! Now if I do nothing else today, at least that's done! And with how I'm feeling, it's a possibility - I managed to get a cold AGAIN!

On the thrush side of things...well thats a drama in and of itself...long story short I ended up in Urgent Care thinking I had mastitis, getting IV fluids for severe dehydration (I'm getting to be a pro at this IV thing - ugh!) going to the doctor the next day, getting bloodwork...ugh. Basically I had/have thrush really bad - but I took Dyflucan and am using a cream that seems to be helping, so thats good!

Now in honor of not being so procrastinatory (I told you to go with it!) I'm off to get something done!

Later Days,

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