Monday, April 4, 2011

Couch to 5K

Monday April 4, 2011

I hate exercise. I hate all of it. I hate stretching, and I hate warming up. I hate running. I hate cooling down. I hate feeling sweaty. I would rather do just about anything else.

That being said, Dan and I started the Couch to 5K program today (Check it out here: I grumbled my entire way through 30 minutes of exercise. Sixty seconds of jogging, ninety seconds of walking to start. But ya know what? I did it. My calves hurt. I am tired. But also…I feel…good. And proud of myself. I want to get in shape, for what could perhaps be the first time in my life. I want to feel good about myself and I want to be able to run after the boys when they get older and not get winded. So I’m trying. With the program I should be able to run a 5K in nine weeks. That’s June, and my goal is to run in the local Independence Day Run which is about 2 miles.

Go me. I'm even smiling like I'm enjoying myself. Or maybe I'm just enjoying my music (Glee). With any luck I will be enjoying myself by the end of this!!

I was inspired by another twin mom, whose blog I read. Check her out and send some good thoughts her way ( Her little girl was born a week after my boys and she still isn’t home from the hospital. No mama should have to go through that, and my heart aches for her.

Later Days,



  1. Thanks! Haha I actually had to exchange them for the next size down - hopefully these fit better!


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